
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Promo to the Second DR Mission Trip in 2008

We are currently planning a spring mission trip in May, 2008 to return to Yaguate, where we sent Calvary's very first mission team in 2005. This town is located in the countryside, about 45 minutes south-west of the capital city of Santo Domingo. Projects: We will be building a church to replace the church that was torn down to make way for a new highway. (This is not the church that we built the last time.) Pastor Nieves' congregation is currently worshipping in the streets. The local congregation has purchased the land and cleared it. They are now ready to begin the building process.

The second team leaves on May 31st for a week in Yaguate, a poor town located in the Dominican Republic. This team, made up of Jen Karsner, Jessi and Terri King, Ed Koch, Dave and Katie Meadows, and Anna, Bob, Rachel and Sarah Leon, will be the labor in building a worship space for the congregation lead by our friend, Pastor Nieves.
